Our work in this area aims to advance the art and science of strategic mobility planning, focusing on innovative use of models and data, participatory approaches, and project delivery methods.
Current Projects:
CoAXs is an open-source stakeholder engagement tool that seeks to support co-creative transport planning by allowing users to interactively view a metropolitan area’s accessibilty landscape (e.g., potential to reach different types of jobs) and explore how accessibility might change through different types of mobility improvement projects, such as new bus services. [Click Here to Explore]
Greater Boston Scenarios
A confederation of inter-related research projects that have at their core the use of integrated urban land use and transportation models calibrated and validated for multiple years in Greater Boston. These projects attempt to (1) see how such models can be used to understand the possibilities for developing transit-oriented development around prospective bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors; (2) examine how more rigorous characterization of uncertainty in modeling can lead to the development of more robust and flexible systems and improved decision-making; and, (3) explore policies and urban designs for adapting to potential sea level rise. [Click Here to know more]
Implementing Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in China: A Supply Side Investigation
How might public transportation investments be leveraged to create more sustainable urban development patterns in China? This project aims to answer this question, taking a supply side perspective, analyzing theoretically, physically, institutionally and financially how transit-oriented development (TOD) might be expanded across the Chinese urban landscape.
Past Projects:
Strategic Options for Integrating Transportation Innovations and Urban Revitalization
Sponsored by the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education this project involved the first implementation of an integrated land use-transportation model for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and included stakeholder-based scenario planning exercises to elaborate alternative possible futures. Work included the piloting of a quantitative scenario discovery method using the software UrbanSim.
Making the Clean Energy City in China
Sponsored by Energy Foundation-China, Low-Carbon Energy University Alliance. Co-led project to develop tools for estimating energy & CO2 emissions of neighborhood design proposals in China (www.energyproforma.mit.edu); tool deployed in 5 graduate-level urban design workshops carried out for several cities in China in cooperation between MIT and Tsinghua University.